Master Gardeners Logo

The mission of the University of Maryland Extension Master Gardener Program is to educate Maryland residents about safe, effective, and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes, and communities.

If you are interested in learning more about the Maryland Master Gardener program, click here.

For information about the local Prince George's County program, please see below.

If you are a resident of Prince George's County and need assistance in identifying a plant problem or insect problem in your yard or home, you may reach out to the UME Home and Garden Information Center (HGIC). 

You may also contact Esther Mitchell via email ( or 301-226-7437.

The Master Gardener Program in Prince George's County has approximately 130 volunteers. 

Our Programs include education on Native Plants, Composting, Intergrated Pest Management, Pollinators, Grow It Eat It (growing vegetables), solving problems with our Ask A MG Plant Clinic and BayWise.

UME-PGC Master Gardener Program

Become A Master Gardener



Become A Maryland Extension Master Gardener

The Maryland Master Gardener Program is designed to train participants as volunteer horticultural educators to help Maryland residents.

Participants receive 50 hours of basic training from University faculty/staff and Master Gardeners and then must complete 40 hours of required volunteer service during the first year to receive your Master Gardener Certification.


Interested? - For more detail information, contact Esther Mitchell (


UMEPGC Master Gardener Training Application.doc UMEPGC Master Gardener Training Application


Ask A Master Gardener Plant Clinic

Ask a Master Gardener Plant Clinic Logo


Master Gardeners provide free advice to residents of a very wide range of garden questions, problems and situations. Stop by one of our Ask A Master Gardener Plant Clinics to receive free information on a variety of subjects.

What can Master Gardeners do for you?

  • Help you select and care for annual and perennial plants, shrubs and trees
  • Determine if you need to test your soil
  • Provide you with information on lawn care
  • Identify weeds, beneficial and noxious insects, and plant diseases and remedies
  • Teach you how to use pesticides, mulch and compost
  • Provide you with gardening resources
  • Provide information on how to submit a plant sample for diagnosis

Locations, Dates & Times of Plant Clinics

Farmers Market Location Contact Person
Bowie Farmers Market (3rd Sundays May - Oct., 8am-12noon)
-Bowie High School Parking Lot (15200 Annapolis Rd., Bowie, MD 20715)
MG Christopher Loffredo
Cheverly Community Market (May - Oct., 8am - 12noon)
Cheverly Community Center
MG Dave Kneipp
Riverdale Park Farmers Market (3rd Thursday, May - Oct., 3pm - 7pm)
Riverdale Park Town Center, 6220 Rhode Island Ave., Riverdale, MD
(next to the MARC railroad station. Intersection of Rhode Island Ave.
and Queensbury Rd.)
MG Sharrell Butler


Bay-Wise: Landscape Management

Bay-Wise Logo


Univresity of Maryland Extension Master Gardeners are available to certify your yard, or garden as Bay-Wise friendly. If you use sustainable practices to avoid stormwater run-off, use native plantings, reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides, and/or maintain a healthy lawn, your yard can be certified.

About the Chesapeake Bay

  • Length: 200 miles
  • Width: Varies - 4 miles at the Bay Bridge to 30 miles at the mouth of the Potomac River
  • Depth: Average - 21 feet, Maximum - 175 feet (near Bloody Point, MD.)
  • Miles to Shoreline: 11,000 miles (The distance from New York to Los Angeles and back to New York).
  • Surface Area: 4,400 square miles
  • Chesapeake is a Native American word meaning "Great Shellfish Bay"
  • The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States and the third largest in the world.
  • The entire Bay watershed includes over 110,000 miles of streams - 2/3 of Virginia, 1/2 of Pennsylvania, 1/3 of Delaware, 1/5 of West Virginia, 1/6 of New York, and, of course, all of DC

To have your yard Bay-Wise Certified, contact

  • Franchella Kendall (
  • Esther Mitchell (

Grow It Eat It Program

Grow It Eat It Logo



Pollinators & Native Plants

Pollinators Logo

Please see the below information.

Host Plants for Butterflies.docx Host Plants for Butterflies Who are the pollinators Landscape with pictures2.doc Who are the pollinators?
Native Plants Logo

See the information below.

Common Native Plants to Maryland.docx Common Native Plants to Maryland

Prince George's County Beautification Awards

Do you have a Beautiful yard/garden? Do people compliment you on your yard/garden? Do you know someone with a beautiful yard?

The Prince George's County Beautification Committee awards gardeners who help to beautify their neighborhood with a beautiful yard.

This is a FREE program of the county.

Enjoy the benefits of your labor to beautify your yard and keep your yard looking good.

Just fill out the below application for yourself or to nominate someone with a beautiful yard and submit it before the deadline date of April 30th. This is not a competition, each yard is evaluated on its own merits and sustainable practices. You or the person you nominate can be a winner!

For more information visit the Prince George's County Beautification Committee website.

Apply Today!