Climate-Resilient Gardening
Climate Change and Gardening
- Sustainable Gardening: Solutions to Climate Change
- Climate-Resilient Gardening: Stories and Examples
- Planting Trees in Our Changing Climate
- Landscape Designs with Native Plants
- Converting Lawns Into Diverse Landscapes: Case Studies
- Improve Soil Health for a Climate-Resilient Garden
- Composting and Climate Change
- Conserving Water in Your Landscape
- Pollination of Vegetable Crops in a Changing Climate
- (PDF) Practice Climate-Smart Gardening (#8 Protect the Chesapeake Bay Series) | Maryland Dept. of Agriculture/University of MD Extension
Climate Change Basics
- Climate Change Basics and Evidence
- The Effects of Climate Change in Maryland
- Native Plants and Climate Change
Containers and Small Spaces
Food Gardening
Fruits for the Home Garden
Selection and Care of Fruit Plants
Fruit Crop Profiles
- Growing Apple and Pear Trees in a Home Garden
- Growing Blueberries in a Home Garden
- Growing Blueberries in Containers
- Growing Figs in Maryland
- Growing Grapes in a Home Garden
- Less Common Fruits for a Home Garden
- Growing Raspberries and Blackberries in a Home Garden
- Growing Strawberries in a Home Garden
- Growing Stone Fruits in a Home Garden
Herbs for the Home Garden
- Anise
- Basil
- Borage
- Caraway
- Cilantro/Coriander
- Chervil
- Chives
- Dill
- Fennel
- Lavender
- Lovage
- Marjoram
- Mints
- Nasturtium
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Tarragon
- Thyme
- Care of Herbs and Starting Herbs from Seed
- Downy Mildew of Basil
- Growing Herbs in Containers
- Harvesting and Preserving Herbs
- Herb Problems
- Tips on Cooking with Fresh Herbs
Vegetables for the Home Garden
Vegetable Topics and Techniques
- Healthy Gardens, Healthy You Toolkit
- Building Raised Beds for Vegetable Gardening
- Community Gardens
- Types of Vegetable Gardens
- Drip Irrigation
- How to Start a Vegetable Garden
- Lawn (Turfgrass) Removal Methods
- Organic Matter and Soil Amendments
- Soil to Fill Raised Beds
- The Safety of the Materials Used for Building Raised Beds
- Youth Gardening
- Planting Vegetables
- Starting Seeds Indoors
- Grow Lights for Starting Seeds Indoors
- Building a PVC Light Stand
- Containers and Growing Media (Soil) for Indoor Seed Starting
- Care of Vegetable Seedlings
- Caring for Your Vegetable Garden
- Cover Crops For Gardens
- Extending the Vegetable Growing Season
- Fertilizing Vegetables
- Row Covers
- Hardening Off Vegetable Seedlings
- Vegetable Planting Calendar
- Sowing Vegetable Seeds in the Garden
- Planting Vegetables in Succession
- What is Organic or Sustainable Vegetable Gardening?
Recursos en Español
- Building a Salad Box™
- Building a Salad Table™
- Choose a Site and Growing Media or Soil for a Salad Table™ or Salad Box™
- Growing Media (Potting Soil) for Containers
- Growing Vegetables in Containers
- Growing Vegetables in Salad Tables or Salad Boxes
- Planting Vegetables in Containers
- Harvesting Plants Grown in Salad Tables™ or Salad Boxes™
- Plant, Fertilize, Water a Salad Table™ or Salad Box™
- Harvesting Plants Grown in Salad Tables™ or Salad Boxes™
- Maintaining Container Grown Vegetables
- Self-Watering Containers
- Types of Containers for Growing Vegetables
Vegetable crops
- Asparagus
- Beans
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Garlic
- Green Peas
- Leafy Greens
- Leeks
- Lettuce
- Salad Greens to Grow in Salad Tables™ or Salad Boxes™
- Melons
- Okra
- Onions
- Peppers
- Potatoes
- Pumpkins and Giant Pumpkins
- Radishes
- Southern Peas
- Spinach
- Summer Squash - Zucchini
- Sweet Corn
- Sweet Potatoes
- Swiss Chard
- Tomatoes
- Winter Squash
Cultural/Environmental/Abiotic Problems of Vegetables
- Air Pollution Damage on Vegetables
- Blossom End Rot on Vegetables
- Bumps or Swelling on Vegetable Stems
- Catfacing on Tomatoes
- Cracking of Vegetables
- Deformed Root Crop Vegetables
- Flower Stalks Form or Bolting of Vegetables
- Fertilizer or Pesticide Burn on Vegetable Leaves
- Green Shoulders on Tomatoes and Potatoes
- Herbicide Damage on Vegetables
- Internal Discoloration in Vegetables
- Leaf Curling on Vegetables
- Low Yields or Undersized Vegetables
- Normal Plant Characteristics of Vegetables
- Nutrient Deficiency of Vegetables
- Off Flavor or Poor Eating Quality of Vegetables
- Pollination Problems of Vegetables
- Poor Blossom and Fruit Set of Vegetables
- Small Blisters or Edema on Vegetable Leaves
- Sunscald of Vegetables
- Tipburn of Vegetables
- Uneven Ripening of Vegetables
- Vegetables Not True to Type
- Vegetable Plants Fall Over or Stems Are Broken
- Whitened Leaves of Vegetables
- Wilting of Vegetable Plants
- Yellowing Leaves on Vegetable Plants
Vegetable Diseases
- Alternaria Fruit or Pod Rot of Vegetables
- Anthracnose - Vegetables
- Bacterial Blights - Vegetables
- Bacterial Diseases of Tomato
- Bacterial Leaf Spot of Pepper - Vegetables
- Bacterial Wilt of Vegetables
- Cercospora Leaf Spot of Vegetables
- Choanephora Rot of Vegetables
- Club Root of Vegetables
- Common Scab of Vegetables
- Corn Smut of Corn
- Downy Mildew of Vegetables
- Early Blight of Vegetables
- Fungal and Bacterial Diseases of Vegetables
- Fusarium Wilt of Vegetables
- Gray Mold or Botrytis of Vegetables
- Key to Common Problems of Cucumbers
- Key to Common Problems of Squash
- Key to Common Problems of Tomatoes
- Late Blight of Tomato and Potato
- Phytophthora of Vegetables
- Powdery Mildew on Vegetables
- Scurf on Sweet Potatoes
- Septoria Leaf Spot of Vegetables
- Southern Blight of Vegetables
- Verticillium Wilt of Vegetables
- Viruses of Vegetables
- White Rot of Alliums
Vegetable Insect Pests
- Aphids - Vegetables
- Asparagus Beetles - Vegetables
- Cabbage Looper - Vegetables
- Colorado Potato Beetle - Vegetables
- Corn Earworm - Vegetables
- Cucumber Beetles: Spotted or Striped - Vegetables
- Cutworms - Vegetables
- Cyclamen Mites - Vegetables
- Eggplant Lace Bug - Vegetables
- European Corn Borer - Vegetables
- Flea Beetles - Vegetables
- Harlequin Bug - Vegetables
- Imported Cabbageworm - Vegetables
- Japanese Beetles on Fruits and Vegetables
- Leafminers on Vegetables
- Mexican Bean Beetle - Vegetables
- Potato Leafhopper
- Potato Tuberworms - Vegetables
- Root Aphids - Vegetables
- Root Knot Nematodes - Vegetables
- Seedcorn Maggot - Vegetables
- Slugs and Snails - Vegetables
- Southern Corn Rootworm - Vegetables
- Spider Mite - Vegetables
- Squash Beetle - Vegetables
- Squash Bug - Vegetables
- Squash Vine Borer - Vegetables
- Stink Bugs - Vegetables and Fruits
- Tobacco Tomato Hornworm - Vegetables
- Tomato Pinworm - Vegetables
- Whiteflies - Vegetables
- Wireworms and Maggots - Vegetables
Vegetable Seedling Problems
- Leaf Curling on Vegetable Seedlings
- Vegetable Seedlings or Transplant Leaves Yellowing, Turning White, or are Spotted or Scorched
- Vegetable Seedlings or Transplants are Damaged, Eaten, or Fall Over
- Poor Germination of Vegetable Seeds
- Stunted Growth of Vegetable Seedlings
Indoor Insects
- Identifying Common Household Insect Pests in and Around the Home
- Ants - Indoor Insects
- Bed Bugs
- Beetles in Firewood
- Booklice
- Carpet Beetles
- Centipedes
- Clothes Moths
- Clover Mites
- Cluster Flies
- Cockroaches
- Crickets
- Drain Flies
- Flies Indoors
- Fruit Flies
- Fungus Gnats
- Indian Meal Moth
- Millipedes
- Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
- Kitchen and Pantry Pests
- Phorid Fly
- Powderpost Beetles
- Old House Borer
- Rice and Granary Weevils
- Silverfish and Firebrats
- Spiders in Maryland
- Springtails
Structural pests
Outdoor Insects
Pollinators & Beneficial Insects
- Parasitoids
- Pollination Basics
- Pollinator Gardens
- Pollinators and Pesticides
- Pollinator Profiles
- Predators
Pollinators > Predators
- Flower Fly
- Damselflies, Dragonflies and Earwigs
- Lacewings
- Ladybird Beetles or Ladybugs
- Praying Mantid (Mantis)
- Predatory Beetles
- Predatory Bugs
- Predatory Mites
- Predatory Spiders
- Predatory Wasps
Pollinators > Parasitoids
- Aphid Parasitoids
- Beneficial Nematodes
- Braconids and Ichneumonoid Wasps
- Giant Resin Bee
- Meet a Pollinator: Carpenter Bee
- Meet a Pollinator: Cellophane Bee
- Meet a Pollinator: Flower Fly
- Parasitoid Wasps (Hymenoptera)
- Scale and Whitefly Parasitoids
- Scoliid Wasps - Lawns
- Tachinid Fly
Biting > Stinging
- Asian Longhorned Tick
- Bird Mites
- Bumble Bees
- Chiggers
- Controlling Mosquitoes
- Fleas
- Honey Bees
- Horse and Deer Flies
- Kissing Bugs
- Mud Daubers
- Oak Leaf Itch Mites and Periodical Cicada Eggs
- Social Wasps: Yellowjackets, Hornets, and Paper Wasps
- Ticks in Maryland
Invasive insects
- Asian Longhorned Beetle
- Box Tree Moth
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Euonymus Leaf Notcher
- Japanese Cedar Longhorned Beetle
- Kudzu Bug
- Sirex Woodwasp
- Spotted Lanternfly in Home Gardens
- Viburnum Leaf Beetle
Yard and Landscape
Annuals, Perennials, Natives, and other Flowering Plants
Types of Flowering Plants
- Annuals
- Bulbs
- Fall Flowering Plants
- Groundcovers
- Native Plants
- Ornamental and Native Grasses for the Landscape
- Perennials
- Vines for Maryland Gardens
Planting and Maintenance
- How to Identify, Prevent, and Manage Plant Problems
- How to Plan and Maintain a Perennial Garden
- Dividing Iris
- Care of Annuals and Perennials
- Fall Frost or Freeze Dates in Maryland
- Planting Annuals and Perennials
- Spring Daffodils
- Spring Frost or Freeze Dates in Maryland
- Starting Seeds Indoors
Flower Problems caused by Cultural, Environmental, or Abiotic Factors (Nonliving)
- Air Pollution Damage on Flowers
- Dodder
- Drought Damage on Flowers
- Excess Water Damage on Flowers
- Why Some Flowering Plants Fall Over
- Excess Fertilizer or Salt Damage on Flowers
- Herbicide Damage Flowers
- Pesticide Burn Phytotoxicity Damage on Flowers
- Sunburn Damage on Flowers
- Leaf Yellowing Problems on Flowers
Flower Diseases
- Anthracnose Disease on Flowers
- Aster Yellows Disease on Flowers
- Bacterial Crown Gall on Flowers
- Bacterial Leaf Spot Disease on Flowers
- Canker on Roses and Vines
- Downy Mildew on Flowers
- Bacterial Leaf Spot and Leaf Blight Disease on English Ivy
- Fungal Leaf Spot Disease on Flowers
- Gray Mold Disease on Flowers
- Volutella Dieback on Pachysandra Groundcover
- Powdery Mildew Disease on Flowers
- Root Crown and Stem Rots on Flowers
- Rust Disease on Flowers and Vines
- Southern Blight Disease on Flowers
- Wilt Diseases on Vinca
- Wilt Diseases on Flowers
- Virus Diseases on Flowers
Flower insects
- Aphids on Flowers
- Blister Beetles on Flowers
- Borer Insects on Flowers
- Boxelder Bugs
- Bulb Mites on Flowers
- Broad and Cyclamen Mites on Flowers
- Caterpillars on Flowers
- Cutworms on Flowers
- Foliar Nematodes on Flowers
- Harlequin Bugs on Flowers
- Iris Borer
- Japanese Beetles
- Leaf Feeding Beetles on Flowers
- Leafcutter Bees on Shrubs and Flowers
- Narcissus Bulb Fly on Flowers
- Orange Aphids on Milkweed
- Plant Bugs on Flowers
- Planthoppers
- Root Feeding Insects on Flowers
- Sawflies
- Slugs and Snails on Flowers
- Spider Mites on Flowers and Groundcovers
- Galls on Flowers
- Thrips on Flowers
- Treehoppers on Flowers
- Weevils on Flowers
- Whiteflies on Flowers
Growing and Caring for Indoor Plants
Selection and Care of Indoor Plants
- Selecting Indoor Plants
- Fertilizer for Indoor Plants
- Grooming Indoor Plants
- Potting and Repotting Indoor Plants
- Natural Lighting for Indoor Plants
- Moving Indoor Plants Outside
- Temperature and Humidity for Indoor Plants
- Watering Indoor Plants
- Overwintering Tropical Plants
Seasonal and Specialty Indoor Plants
Indoor Plant Problems
Cultural/Environmental/Abiotic Problems
- Algae and Fungal Growth on the Soil of Indoor Plants
- Drought Stress on Indoor Plants
- Edema on Indoor Plants
- Excess Light on Indoor Plants
- Fertilizer Toxicity of High Soluble Salts on Indoor Plants
- Yellow on Leaves on Indoor Plants
- Low Light Impacts on Indoor Plants
- Mineral and Fertilizer Salt Deposits on Indoor Plants
- Nutrient Deficiency on Indoor Plants
- Overwatered Indoor Plants
- Pot Bound Indoor Plants
Indoor Plant Diseases
- Bacterial Leaf Spots on Indoor Plants
- Fungal Leaf Spots on Indoor Plants
- Gray Mold or Botrytis Blight on Indoor Plants
- Powdery Mildew on Indoor Plants
- Root Rots of Indoor Plants
- Stem Cankers of Indoor Plants
- Viruses of Indoor Plants
Indoor Plant Insects
- Aphids on Indoor Plants
- Fungus Gnats
- Mealybugs on Indoor Plants
- Scale Insects on Indoor Plants
- Spider Mites on Indoor Plants
- Thrips on Indoor Plants
- Whiteflies on Indoor Plants
Invasive Species
- Introduction to Invasive Plants
- Invasive Plants to Avoid Buying for your Yard and Garden in Maryland
- Removing Invasive Plants and Planting Natives
- Invasive Grass Control
- Invasive Herbaceous Plant Control
- Invasive Jumping Worms
- Invasive Shrub Control
- Invasive Tree Control
- Invasive Vine and Groundcover Control
Invasive Diseases
- Beech Bark Disease
- Beech Leaf Disease
- Boxwood Blight
- Impatiens Downy Mildew
- Oak Wilt Disease
- Thousand Cankers Disease
- Sudden Oak Death/Ramorum Blight
Invasive Insects
- Asian Longhorned Beetle
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Euonymus Leaf Notcher
- Japanese Cedar Longhorned Beetle
- Kudzu Bug
- Sirex Woodwasp
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Viburnum Leaf Beetle
Invasive Herbaceous Plants
- Garlic Mustard
- Giant Hogweed
- Japanese Knotweed
- Japanese Stiltgrass
- Lesser Celandine
- Mile-a-Minute
- Wavyleaf Basketgrass
Invasive Woody Plants
- Autumn Olive
- Bradford Pear
- Burning Bush
- Butterfly Bush
- Chinese and Japanese Wisteria
- English Ivy
- Exotic Bush Honeysuckles
- Japanese Barberry
- Japanese Honeysuckle
- Japanese Knotweed
- Multiflora Rose
- Norway Maple
- Oriental Bittersweet
- Porcelainberry
- Princess Tree
- Privet
- Tree of Heaven
- Winter Creeper
- Wineberry
Landscaping for the Home Garden
- Home Landscape Best Management Practices
- IPM: How to Identify, Prevent, and Manage Plant Problems
- Landscape Planning
- Landscape Management Basics
- Stormwater Management
- Landscape Designs with Native Plants
- Tips for Choosing Trees and Shrubs
Lawns for the Maryland Home Landscape
Lawn Care Basics
- The Challenge of Growing a Lawn in Maryland
- Care and Maintenance of a Lawn after Seeding
- Converting Lawns Into Diverse Landscapes: Case Studies
- Grass Seed
- Growing Grass in the Shade
- Starting a New Lawn
- Lawn Aeration
- Lawn Alternatives
- Caring for the Home Lawn
- Fertilizing Home Lawns
- Lawn Fertilizer Schedule (Table)
- Lawn Maintenance Calendar for Maryland Home Lawns
- Lawn Renovation and Overseeding
- Lawn (Turfgrass) Removal Methods
- Lawns and Microclover
- Lawns and the Chesapeake Bay (Publication)
- Lime and Lawns
- Moss in the Landscape
- Mowing or Grasscycling Lawns
- Organic Lawn Care
- Planting and Maintaining a Zoysia Lawn
- Seeding or Sodding Lawns
- Sod
- Soil Testing and Soil Testing Labs
- Watering Lawns
Lawn Diseases
- Algae in Lawns
- Brown Patch
- Dollar Spot
- Fairy Rings
- Powdery Mildew
- Red Thread
- Rust
- Slime Mold
- Summer Patch
Lawn Insects
- Chinch Bug
- Cicada Killer Wasps
- Green June Beetle
- Identification of Grubs in Lawns
- Mining Bees
- Scoliid Wasps
- Sod Webworm
- White Grub Management on Lawns
Cultural/Environmental/Abiotic Problems
- Buried Debris in Lawns
- Chemical Injury - Lawns
- Dog Urine Damage
- Drought Damage on Lawns
- Dull Mower Blade/Mower Injury
- Excess Thatch in Lawns
- Fertilizer Injury on Lawns
- Mushrooms - Lawns
- Moss in Lawns
- Nutrient Deficiency on Lawns
- Oil or Gasoline - Lawns
- Poor Seed Germination - Lawns
- Seedling Problems on Lawns
- Sod Problems- Lawns
Lawn Weeds
- Common Lawn Weeds Found At Home In Maryland
- Annual Bluegrass
- Bermudagrass
- Black Medic
- Buttercup (Bulbous)
- Carpetweed
- Clover
- Common Chickweed
- Common Cinquefoil
- Common Lespedeza or Japanese Clover
- Common Mallow
- Crabgrass
- Dallisgrass
- Dandelion
- Deadnettle
- Dock
- Goosegrass
- Green Kyllinga
- Ground Ivy
- Hairy Bittercress
- Henbit
- Indian Mock Strawberry
- Japanese Stiltgrass (Invasive)
- Knawel or German Moss
- Moss in Lawns
- Nimblewill
- Orchardgrass
- Oxalis (Yellow Woodsorrel)
- Plantain Weeds
- Prostrate Knotweed
- Prostrate Spurge
- Purslane
- Quackgrass
- Red Sorrel (Sheep Sorrel)
- Roughstalk Bluegrass
- Shepherd's Purse
- Speedwell (Veronica)
- Star of Bethlehem
- Wild Garlic or Wild Onions
- Yellow Nutsedge
- Corn Gluten for Crabgrass Control
- Glyphosate (Roundup) Information and Alternatives for Weed Management
- Herbicide Options for Managing Common Lawn Weeds in Maryland
Lawn Problems Caused by Wildlife
Native Plants for the Home Landscape
- Collecting & Sowing Native Plant Seed
- Cultivars of Native Plants
- Deer Resistant Native Plants
- How to Make a Meadow
- Native Plants and Climate Change
- Native Plants for Shade
- Native Plants for Shady Slopes
- Native Plants for Sunny Slopes
- Ornamental and Native Grasses
- Recommended Native Plants for Maryland
- Recommended Species for Meadow Creation (Coastal Plain)
- What is a Native Plant?
- Why Include Native Plants in your Garden?
Recommended Native Plants
- Alumroot
- American Hornbeam
- Blackgum, Sourgum, or Tupelo
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Black Chokeberry
- Black Huckleberry
- Blue Sedge
- Blue Wood Aster
- Butterfly Weed
- Cardinal Flower
- Christmas Fern
- Common Witchhazel
- Eastern Columbine
- Eastern Redbud
- Eastern Redcedar
- False Blue Indigo
- Flowering Dogwood
- Foamflower
- Foxglove Beardtongue
- Golden Groundsel or Golden Ragwort
- Great Blue Lobelia
- Green and Gold
- Green Hawthorn
- Hillside Blueberry
- Hollow Joe-Pye Weed
- Inkberry Holly
- Lady Fern
- Little Bluestem
- Mapleleaf Viburnum
- Moss Phox
- New York Ironweed
- Northern Bayberry
- Plantain-leaf Pussytoes
- Red Chokeberry
- Rose Mallow
- Sensitive Fern
- Serviceberry
- Smooth Hydrangea
- Spicebush
- Summersweet
- Turk's Cap Lily
- Virginia Sweetspire
- Wild Bergamot (Bee Balm)
- Wild Ginger
- Wool Rush or Wool Grass
- White Oak
- Winterberry Holly
- Yellow Indiangrass
Soil, Compost, and Fertilizer
- Soil Testing and Soil Testing Labs
- Understanding Your Soil Test Report
- Cover Crops to Protect and Improve Your Soil
- Common Soil Problems
- Lead in Garden Soils
- Melting Ice Safely
- Organic Matter and Soil Amendments
- Soil Basics
- Soil Health, Drainage, and Improving Soil
- Soil to Fill Raised Beds
- (PDF) Control Soil Erosion and Rainwater Runoff
- Garden Fertilizer Basics
- Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs and Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms
- Fertilizing Vegetables
Trees and Shrubs for the Home Garden
How to Select Woody Plants
- The Right Tree for Your Lawn
- Tips for Choosing Trees and Shrubs
- Plants for Mixed Privacy Screens
- Purchasing Trees and Shrubs
Plant and Care of Woody Plants
- Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs and Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms
- Mulching Trees and Shrubs
- Planting a Tree or Shrub
- Watering Trees and Shrubs
- Growing Flowering Dogwood Trees
Pruning Guides
- Pruning Basics
- Pruning Trees
- Pruning Shrubs and Hedges
- Pruning Tools
- Guide to Pruning Hydrangeas
- Guide to Pruning Roses
Common Tree and Shrub Problems
- IPM: How to Identify, Prevent, and Manage Plant Problems
- Azaleas and Rhododendrons: Identify and Manage Problems
- Blue Spruce: Identify & Manage Problems
- Boxwood: Identify and Manage Problems
- Cherry Laurel: Identify and Manage Problems
- Crapemyrtle: Identify and Manage Problems
- Key to Common Problems of Dogwoods
- Lilac: Identify and Manage Problems
- Honeydew and Sooty Mold
- Hydrangea: Identify and Manage Problems
- Ornamental Cherry Trees: Identify & Manage Problems
- Roses: Identify and Manage Problems
- How to Decide When to Remove a Tree
- What Causes Trees to Die?
- Cherry Laurel: Identify & Manage Problems (blog post)
- Understanding Degree Days
Cultural/Environmental/Abiotic Problems of Trees
- Broken Branches and Lower Trunk Damage
- Burls
- Damaged Tree Roots
- Drought and Excessive Heat Stress
- Early Fall Coloration
- Embedded Wires, Nylon Cord, and Wire Baskets
- Evergreen Foliage Yellowing
- Tree Problems Caused by Excess Water
- Freeze Damaged Flowers on Trees and Shrubs
- Girdling Roots
- Grade Change Problems with Trees
- Graft Failure
- Herbicide Damage to Trees
- Lightning Damage
- Nutrient Deficiency of Trees
- Phytotoxicity Damage on Trees
- Problems Caused by Compacted Soil
- Salt or Fertilizer Damage on Trees
- Storm Damage
- Trees and Shrubs Failing to Flower
- Trees Planted Too Deeply
- Tree Trunks with Wet Wood or Slime Flux
- Walnut Toxicity - Juglone
- Water Sprouts or Suckers on Trees
- Winter Damage on Landscape Plants
Tree/Shrub Diseases
- Anthracnose Diseases of Shade Trees
- Apple Scab Disease
- Bacterial Leaf Scorch of Trees
- Black Knot Disease on Trees
- Brown Rot on Ornamental Cherry Trees
- Cankers of Trees and Shrubs
- Cherry Shot Hole Disease
- Cytospora Canker of Spruce Trees
- Dogwood Anthracnose
- Dutch Elm Disease of Trees
- Elsinoë Leaf Spot of Dogwood
- Fire Blight Disease of Trees
- How Do You Decide When to Remove a Tree?
- How to Identify, Prevent, and Manage Plant Problems
- Lichens, Algae, and Moss on Trees
- Needle Cast Diseases of Evergreen Trees
- Ornamental Fruit Tree Problems
- Petal Blight
- Powdery Mildew Disease on Trees and Shrubs
- Root Rots on Trees and Shrubs
- Rust Diseases of Trees
- Seiridium and Botryosphaeria Canker of Leyland Cypress
- Ugly Stub Pruning for Fire Blight
- Verticillium Wilt Disease of Trees and Shrubs
- Viral Diseases of Trees
- What's Wrong with my Colorado Blue Spruce Tree?
- Why Oak Trees are Declining or Dying
- Wilt Diseases of Trees
- Witches' Broom on Trees
- Wood Rots and Decay on Trees and Shrubs
Tree/Shrub Insects
- Pesticide Profile: Horticultural Oil
- Aphids on Trees and Shrubs
- Armored Scale - Trees and Shrubs
- Bagworms on Trees and Shrubs
- Borer Insects on Trees
- Boxelder Bugs
- Calico Scale
- Cankerworm on Trees
- Caterpillars on Trees
- Cicadas
- Conifer Bark Beetles on Trees and Shrubs
- Crapemyrtle Bark Scale in Home Gardens
- Eastern Tent Caterpillars and Forest Tent Caterpillars on Trees
- Elm Leaf Beetle
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Eriophyid Mites on Trees
- European Fruit Lecanium Scale
- European Hornets
- Eyespot Galls on Trees
- Fall Webworms on Trees
- Gloomy Scale
- Gypsy Moths and Caterpillars on Trees
- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Trees
- Indian Wax Scale
- Introduction to Scale
- Japanese Beetles on Trees, Shrubs, and Flowers
- Japanese Maple Scale in Home Landscapes
- Lace Bugs on Trees and Shrubs
- Leafhoppers
- Leafminers on Ornamental Plants
- Monitoring for Scale
- Oak Lecanium Scale
- Plant Bugs on Trees
- San Jose Scale
- Sawflies
- Tree and Shrub Galls
- Soft Scales on Trees and Shrubs
- Spider Mites on Trees and Shrubs
- Spittlebugs on Trees and Shrubs
- Tuliptree Scale
- Twig Girdlers and Twig Pruners on Trees
- Weevils on Trees and Shrubs
- Woolly Aphids on Trees
Tree and Shrub Problems Caused by Wildlife
- Deer Damage
- Rabbits
- Squirrel Damage on Trees and Shrubs
- Voles
- Woodpecker and Sapsucker Damage on Trees
Cultural/Environmental/Abiotic Problems of Shrubs
- Boxwood Decline
- Drought and Excessive Heat Stress
- Early Fall Coloration
- Excess Mulch Problems
- Problems Caused by Compacted Soil
- Toxic Mulch Problems
- Trees and Shrubs Failing to Flower
Weed Identification and Management in Home Landscapes
Weed Identification
- Common Home Lawn Weeds in Maryland
- Spring Weeds
- Summer Weeds
- Fall Weeds
- Invasive Herbaceous Plants
- Invasive Woody Plants
Weed Management
- Manage Weeds Without Chemicals
- Corn Gluten for Crabgrass Control
- Iron-based Herbicides
- Glyphosate Information and Alternatives for Weed Management
- Lawn Herbicides for Weed Control
- American Burnweed
- Asiatic Dayflower
- Bamboo
- Containing and Removing Bamboo
- Chicory (Cornflower)
- Common Cocklebur
- Common Lambsquarter
- Galinsoga
- Greenbrier
- Groundsel
- Hedge Bindweed
- Horsenettle
- Horseweed
- Jimsonweed
- Mugwort
- Pigweed
- Poison Ivy
- How to Identify Poison Ivy
- Pokeweed
- Ragweed
- Velvetleaf
- Virginia Creeper (native vine)
Wildlife in the Home Landscape
Attracting Wildlife
Managing Deer
- Managing Deer Damage in Maryland
- Using Commercial Deer Repellents to Manage Deer Browsing in the Landscape
- Deer Resistant Native Plants
- Resistance of Ornamentals to Deer Damage
Managing Other Wildlife
Monthly Tips and Tasks
- January Gardening Tips and Tasks
- February Gardening Tips and Tasks
- March Gardening Tips and Tasks
- April Gardening Tips and Tasks
- May Gardening Tips and Tasks
- June Gardening Tips and Tasks
- July Gardening Tips and Tasks
- August Gardening Tips and Tasks
- September Gardening Tips and Tasks
- October Gardening Tips and Tasks
- November Gardening Tips and Tasks
- December Gardening Tips and Tasks