
Areas of Interest
Showing 211-220 of 375 publications
Updated: May 10, 2022

Valuing On-Farm Heir’s Sweat Equity Is Complicated and Agreements Should Be Developed to Fairly Compensate On-Farm Heirs (FS-1079)

Determining the value of sweat equity can be both challenging and controversial for farm families. Sweat equity arises as an issue when an on-farm heir receives payment at below market rate, and the farm business grows in size due to an on-farm heir’s below-market labors. Land in the farm may also appreciate in value due to the work of the on-farm heir. It is important to note that the best solution for handling sweat equity is to agree early on to pay the on-farm heir at a market rate. Handling sweat equity early on may necessitate the on-farm heir also working off the farm for additional income if the farm cannot support an additional person full-time. It is important to discuss the farm succession plan and limit the possibility of sweat equity claims at an early stage of farm expansion. Authors: Paul Goeringer, Catherine Onumajuru, Dale Johnson, and Mason Grahame; Title: Valuing On-Farm Heir’s Sweat Equity Is Complicated and Agreements Should Be Developed to Fairly Compensate On-Farm Heirs (FS-1079)
Updated: January 29, 2021


Stormwater runoff is capable of causing nuisance flooding, can negatively impact property, and may be caused by neighbors’ attempts to correct their own flooding issues. Landowners impacted by stormwater runoff should consider educating themselves on their rights and responsibilities, take steps to document the problem, communicate with neighbors and agencies, and seek mediation if the situation cannot be resolved amicably
Updated: February 4, 2021

Food Safety for Persons with Diabetes

About 30.3 million Americans have diabetes, while 25% of Americans do not know they have diabetes. Diabetics are susceptible of acquiring a foodborne illness, but may not realize such risks. The fact sheet is to inform diabetics what foodborne illness is, how it specifically affects diabetics, and ways to reduce risk in a one page document.
Diabetes word cloud
Updated: May 26, 2021

Measuring Wood Moisture & Drying Time for Hardwood Tree Species - University of Maryland Extension Fact Sheet #1074

Knowing why and how to measure wood moisture in your firewood is key to reducing emissions and maximizing the amount of heat you get from your wood stove.This factsheet provides some examples of drying time for firewood and practical steps you can take to properly season firewood for your wood stove.
Updated: August 10, 2022

Food Safety in Your School Gardens, Classrooms, and Greenhouses (FS-1077)

As interest in educating students about gardening and food production increases, it will be helpful to outline food safety principles in school settings. This fact sheet uses a pre-existing University of Maryland Extension fact sheet and expands it to include more information on rain barrels, lead in soil, chickens, and school policies. It also includes a glossary of terms. Authors: Justine Beaulieu, Heather Buritsch, Shauna Henley, and Jon Traunfeld; Title: Food Safety in Your School Gardens, Classrooms, and Greenhouses (FS-1077)
Updated: April 8, 2021

Grow it, Eat It, Freeze It, The Basics of Freezing Foods at Home

Food preservation creates a sustainable supply of food throughout the year. When consumers purchase food to preserve, it means less food waste for the farmer. Freezing is a simple, quick and convenient method to preserve food. This publication shares the basics of freezing food at home.
Updated: August 5, 2021

Packing Methods for Freezing Foods, A Guide to Packing Foods before Freezing

There are several ways to pack fruits, vegetables, and meats for freezing. Packing helps to retain the flavor of the foods and minimizes textural changes in foods during freezing. This fact sheet shares tips on freezing fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish.
Updated: April 7, 2022

Poultry Farm Electrical Safety

Poultry farmers work with many different types of electrical equipment daily. Harsh environments inside and outside the poultry house can affect the safety of electrical equipment and create hazards. Growers need to take steps to prevent electrical injury, including only using properly grounded equipment, keeping electrical panel free of dust and debris, and looking for problems with equipment and cords. This publication provides guidelines for poultry farmers to follow to avoid electrical hazards.
Poultry - Electric meter to test electric motor
Updated: February 7, 2021

Your Land, Your Legacy, Planning for Every Maryland Landowner

Making decisions about the future of your land may seem overwhelming. It can be difficult to initiate conversations with your family, to sort out the different professionals involved in estate planning, and to know how to take the first step. Try not  to get overwhelmed—the hardest step is often the first one.  This publication can help get you started, and discusses the  types of professionals who will help make it happen. 
Updated: January 26, 2021

Proper Stewardship by Growers is Essential to Ensuring Dicamba Tolerant Soybeans Continue to be Available

Dicamba tolerant soybeans, marketed under the trade name Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans are again available to Maryland growers for the 2018 growing season. This line of soybeans combines previous Roundup Ready technology with tolerance to the herbicide dicamba. While this new dicamba tolerance may be useful in combatting certain tough-to-control weeds including marestail and palmer amaranth, use caution when applying dicamba. Applications of dicamba may cause problems due to the sensitivity of certain crops to the herbicide. Exposure can occur due to drift, volatility, or a non-target application. This report provides recommendations for using new dicamba-tolerant technologies.