Position Announcement
Coordinator, Nutrient Management Advisor
University of Maryland Extension (UME) Agriculture and Food Systems (AgFS) Program seeks candidates for a 12-month Agricultural Nutrient Management Program (ANMP) Nutrient Management Advisor. ANMP Nutrient Management Advisors develop nutrient management plans for agricultural producers to balance nutrient inputs with crop requirements, thus optimizing production potential, improving farm profitability, reducing excess nutrient inputs into the Chesapeake Bay and enabling producers to comply with the State of Maryland’s Water Quality Improvement Act of 1998.
University of Maryland Extension is seeking to fill four (4) Coordinator – Nutrient Management Advisor positions, with one position at each of the following county Extension office locations:
Allegany County
Charles County
Washington County
Wicomico/Worcester County
Best consideration date is February 28. Visit the position description for more details and to apply.
Farming Technical References
Agriculture Newsletters
Charles County Ag Updates: Timely updates on events, policies, announcements, and news happening locally and across the state. Sign up to receive the updates.
2020 Roots in Research: an inside look at the research taking place at the Central Maryland Research and Education Center in Upper Marlboro (CMREC-UM). 2019 Edition
Vegetable and Fruit News: A publication of Anne Arundel County.
Charles County Agriculture News: Monthly updates, events, and information related to the local agriculture industry
Agronomy News: Published monthly during the growing season and provides timely updates on topics relevant to row crop production
Timely Viticulture: Electronic newsletter that is designed to give those in the grape industry a timely reminder of things they should be considering in the vineyard
Wild and Wooly Newsletter: Quarterly newsletter for sheep and goat producers and anyone else who is interested in small ruminants
Greenhouse TPM/IPM Report: Alert to inform commercial greenhouse and cut flower producers of pest or disease issues during the growing season
Ornamental TPM/IPM Report: Report is for arborists, landscape managers, and nursery managers
Plant Science Food Safety Group: Sign up for their weekly newsletter at Food Safety Newsletter
Urban Agriculture Extension: Monthly newsletter of Urban Ag Extension in Baltimore City
Who Needs Nutrient Management?
You need a Nutrient Management Plan if you produce $2,500.00 in gross annual income from your agricultural operation annually OR have 8 animal units or more (animal units vary depending on species.) Call: Francis Warring, Nutrient Management Advisor (301) 934-5403 / DC Area (301) 753-8195.
Overview of the Agricultural Nutrient Management Program
UME's Agricultural Nutrient Management Program
Annual Implementation Report forms and instructions
Information about nutrient management training for certified plan writers and voucher holders
Information on laws regulating agricultural nutrient management in Maryland
Stress Management for Farm Families
The University of Maryland Extension Farm Stress Management Team provides education and outreach on topics related to mental and physical wellness for farmers, families, and communities. Specifically, we focus on developing resources to alleviate stressors driven by financial, legal, or mental health issues.
Free Therapy Sessions for farm families. For more information. go to Farm Stress Management.
Other Useful AG Links
For more information, contact:
Hayden Schug
Principal Agent
Agriculture and Food Systems Educator
Coordinator, Nutrient Management Advisor