Updated: January 21, 2025
Maryland Consulting & Industrial Foresters Directory - University of Maryland Extension Fact Sheet #1059 (revised February 2023)
The Maryland Consulting and Industrial Foresters Directory lists licensed professional foresters who offer a wide range of services to woodland property owners. Services include forest stewardship plans, timber stand and wildlife habitat improvement, and much more. The Directory is for reference only and is not an endorsement of any forester listed.
Updated: June 26, 2024
Recovering Northern Bobwhite Quail: A Guide to Habitat Management (FS-2023-0683)
Northern bobwhite quail populations in Maryland have experienced significant declines over the past 50 years. This publication provides a comprehensive guide to habitat management aimed at reversing this trend. The key strategy involves creating and managing early successional habitats, which are essential for quail survival. These habitats include a diverse mix of forbs, native bunchgrasses, and shrubby cover. Effective management practices highlighted in the guide include fallowing agricultural land, implementing forest management techniques, using prescribed fire, disking, applying herbicides, and managing grazing. Each practice contributes to maintaining the habitat structure necessary for quail and other species. By fostering these habitats, landowners can support not only quail but also a broader range of grassland and shrubland bird species, as well as other wildlife. The guide emphasizes that proactive and consistent habitat management is crucial for the recovery and long-term sustainability of northern bobwhite quail populations in Maryland. Author: Luke Macaulay; Title: Recovering Northern Bobwhite Quail: A Guide to Habitat Management (FS-2023-0683)