If you enter, you will be mailed a free season pass. Exhibitors are encouraged to use the online entry system provided by the Montgomery County Agricultural Center.
GO HERE to use the online system. Using this system cuts down on paperwork and errors in the entry process. When entering online, please make sure you are entering in the desired department (4-H or Open). If you are not able to enter your exhibits using the online system, paper entry forms are available in the back of the fair catalog. Please mail all paper entry forms to the Fair Office (not the 4-H Office): Montgomery Co. Agricultural Fair, 16 Chestnut St., Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
Once the fairgrounds has received all 4-H entry registrations, they will send the county 4-H office the display tags for each indoor entry.
Display tags must accompany each indoor entry at the fair and they will be available for you to pick up at the 4-H office starting on August TBD. However, some club leaders collect indoor tags for their clubs and hand them out at meetings.
Dates that indoor entries must be brought to the 4-H Building at the fairgrounds: TBD
Information for Animal Exhibitors
In order to exhibit animals at the county fair, you must attend one of the Animal Exhibitor Orientation meetings held on the fair work days AND make sure you are up-to-date with everything on our Animal Science Info & Forms page—completed animal registration forms, completion of the Animal Husbandry and Quality Assurance Program, and completion of the Dairy Verification Card if you plan to show dairy cattle.
Animal Exhibitor Orientation
- All 4-H animal exhibitors (this is all animals, even animals entered into the pet show) at this year’s Montgomery County Agricultural Fair will once again be required to attend an exhibitor orientation meeting. Topics will update you on new rule and procedure changes for animal and public health, 4-H rules, and fair policies, as well as helpful tips for having a positive fair experience.
- The sessions will again be offered at 8:30 AM before fair work days, in the Heritage Building at the fairgrounds.
- If you have any questions please contact Jeannine Shriver at 301-590-3210.
Pet Show
- All Pet Show participants must attend an Animal Exhibitor Orientation at one of the fair work days.
- Please review ALL Maryland Fair and Show Requirements needed for fair entry for all species—these rules will also apply to the Pet Show.
- Please note that some poultry testing is required.
- In addition, Canines and Felines must provide a current rabies certificate and be in good health. As noted in current pet show rules, all dogs MUST be kept on a six foot leash at all times and all felines MUST be kept in a PET CARRIER unless their class is being judged. All equines must have a current negative Equine Infectious Anemia (Coggins) Test.