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Updated: June 7, 2021
Online Sales-Here to Stay
In March 2020, one in three people in the United Sates ordered food on-line with the expectation it would be delivered to their door. The hybridization of both direct and online sales channels has only accelerated as retailers, producers, and food entrepreneurs double down their efforts to capture more sales. Whether you have already pivoted to an e-commerce platform or are still considering building an on-line catalog, here are some important considerations for maximizing your e-commerce efforts.
Updated: June 7, 2021
Moving Prices; Retaining Customers
Happy New Year 2021, and like every new year before, this is prime planning time for your business. But unlike every year before, 2020 has given producers marketing challenges tagged by terms such as “pivoting,” “resilience,” and even “survival.” We are going into a new year but with the old year’s problems, “How much should I produce, and are people going to keep buying my products at their current rate?
Updated: June 7, 2021
Matching Products to Customer Appetites in 2018
Every December I enjoy reading food trend predictions for the coming year from a variety of sources such as the Specialty Foods Association, the American Restaurant Association, Packer magazine, and a host of foodie blogs. There’s no doubt that customers’ appetites, buying preferences, and cooking preferences will drive what we should produce and market. While predictions of interest in charred foods, algae grown proteins, and insects as a food source trending as “micro livestock” are interesting, there is solid support for the following food preferences in our region.
Updated: June 7, 2021
Matching Prices to Market Outlets
August usually sees a plethora of produce, fruits, and value-added products showcasing at the farmers markets and through on-farm retail farm stands. Summer and fall holidays stoke the grilling season for mart producers and the beginning of the school year fuels more demand in market ready wholesale opportunities. Diversifying your market outlets can be good for business, but not if you don’t offer a range of prices that reflect achieve profitability. One price point does not fit all market outlets.
Updated: June 7, 2021
Market Strategies for Diversified Livestock Producers
The phenomenal growth in the number of farmers’ markets nationwide can be attributed in part to the increased diversity of products many markets now offer. While fresh fruits and vegetables are still the keystone products, many markets now offer shoppers dairy products, meats, baked goods, and a wide array of specialty food products.
Updated: June 7, 2021
Make List and Check Your Christmas Sales Plan Twice
Christmas has not been canceled for 2020! The September 2020, issue of the Mastering Marketing newsletter featured tools for holiday planning.This article builds on those tools and features making specific marketing strategies for the 2020 Christmas season.
Updated: June 4, 2021
Lessons from the “Are You Crazy?” Retail Farm Market Bus Tour
For two beautiful days in mid-September, I had the opportunity to join Penn State Extension’s Annual “Are You Crazy?” Retail Farm Market Bus Tour. This year, guided by Penn State Extension Educators, Brian Moyer and Carla Synder, the tour provided participants with an opportunity to visit premier retail farm marketing/agritourism enterprises to see new things, get ideas to use at home, learn from each other, and build a network of contacts.
Updated: June 4, 2021
Is Your Marketing Strategy Working?
Target Marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your marketing efforts on one or a few key segments. Having a good grasp on your target market makes the promotion, pricing and distribution of your products and/or services easier and more cost-effective. It provides a focus to all of your marketing activities.
Updated: June 4, 2021
Is Diversification Your Ultimate Goal?
Farmers are repeatedly advised to diversify into new enterprises in order to generate additional income. It’s not unusual for me to visit a farm that grows vegetables, fruit, has some livestock for direct marketing meats, chickens for eggs, offers agritourism events and farm tours, and is considering how to enter the craft beverage market. If diversification is really the business model for success, what does that mean for farmers?
Updated: June 4, 2021
Get Started Marketing-Craft Your Marketing Statement (Also Known as an Elevator Speech)
How, when, and where should you start your marketing efforts? The process can be overwhelming- should I market my brands, what about social media posts, and who will buy my products? To help you organize your marketing steps, it is vital you have a marketing statement. You may have heard this statement called, “Your Elevator Speech”.
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