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Updated: July 19, 2021
Hop Production
The popularity of craft beer and micro-breweries combined with the growing awareness of buying locally-produced agricultural products provides Maryland farmers with an emerging crop production opportunity: hops. Research the possibilities of producing this high-value crop right here in Maryland. Maryland and surrounding states have a good market for locally-grown hops.
Updated: July 19, 2021
Honey Bee Enterprise
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service website, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) threatens the health of honeybees across the nation, the issue exacerbating in the 1980s with the increase of new pathogens & pests. Since a great number of agricultural crops we grow in Maryland depend on honeybee pollination, the honeybee decline threatens our food industry.
Updated: July 19, 2021
Direct Marketing and Value Added Products
Direct marketing and value-added processing are two of the best business management strategies Maryland farmers can employ to improve their net profitability.
Updated: July 19, 2021
Alternative Livestock
Interested in raising animals but looking for something different than the conventional sheep, cattle, or laying hens? Then you might be interested in raising some type of alternative livestock. Examples of alternative livestock include antelope, elk, buffalo, alpacas, llamas, miniature horses, donkeys, zebra, camels, guardian dogs, ratites, game birds, ducks, wallabies, and more. Broadly defined, alternative livestock can be any non-traditional animal raised on your farm or property.
Updated: June 8, 2021
The Reluctant Entrepreneur
In November, I had the opportunity to give a presentation through the University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources’ (AGNR) new Agricultural Careers and Entrepreneurship (ACE) Virtual Center webinar series. The presentation was titled, Entrepreneurs-Born or Made?
Updated: June 4, 2021
COVID-19 and Agritourism in Maryland
By its very nature, agritourism activities bring groups of people together. Since Covid-19 protocols call for social distancing and avoidance of “crowd” situations, how are farms that feature agritourism as their core business model fairing? This is the start of the pick or cut-your-own season and on-farm markets premiering early season produce. What strategies, adjustments, and even innovative ways are these farms keeping their doors open to the public?
Updated: March 24, 2021
Assessing Your Farm Business Plan
Nowhere does the old adage “failing to plan, is planning to fail” more applicable than when preparing to launch a new business enterprise or service company. Regardless of the greatness of your product, unless you carefully plan in advance how to operate a profitable, sustainable business, your business success will be limited. The goal of the Maryland Rural Enterprise Development Center is to help you succeed in that planning process and this is why we have launched a new tool, Assessing Your Farm Business Plan.
Updated: March 23, 2021
I want to start a farm. Where should I start?
The University of Maryland Extension has a website devoted to supporting beginning farmers.
Updated: February 11, 2021
Your Ag Business Venture: Dream, Plan, Implement!
Your Ag Business Venture: Dream, Plan, Implement is a guide designed to put you in the driver's seat while on the road to making your ag business idea a reality. There are many good tools and resources within this guide to help you along the way.
Updated: January 29, 2021
Vegetable Equipment and Irrigation
Ever wandered around a farm show or equipment dealer admiring all of the new and fancy gadgets available to farmers today? So many choices, yet so little money! Small farmers must be especially careful of expensive machinery purchases as they buck the traditional “bigger is better” trend of large farmers with mega equipment, some pulling plows and harrow’s wider than your whole field. However, as a small farmer you will take the opposite approach, limiting large equipment options and focusing on specialized, value-added processes to garner more dollars from less land. Indeed, the cost of equipment today requires the successful small farmer to be both prudent and wise in equipment selection. What equipment is essential for the operation of the small farm? How can you avoid the common mistake of purchasing more equipment than the farm can support?
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