Make Every Practice Count!

The Stormwater Management and Restoration Tracking (SMART) Tool accounts for stormwater best management practices (BMP) in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, whether implemented by individuals, businesses, governments, or other groups.

Urban and suburban stormwater is the only pollution sector with increasing nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment loads. This pollution can be reduced through voluntarily installed  BMPs, but these practices are often not tracked by local governments and the pollution reduction is not incorporated into broader Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts.

The SMART Tool allows anyone to enter data about BMPs they have constructed or installed. These practices are then certified through a procedure approved by the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Urban Stormwater Work Group. Once certified,the amount of pollution prevented from entering the Bay by each practice is calculated using pollution reduction rates approved by the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Water Quality Goal Implementation Team. 


This provides an opportunity for local governments to understand and share the positive impact of these BMPs. The Tool also allows for the formal accounting of pollution reduction requirements and increases the accuracy of the effort needed to meet water quality improvement goals for the Bay.

Which BMPs does the SMART Tool track?

The SMART Tool tracks 19 different stormwater BMPs: ten small-scale practices typically implemented by homeowners and nine larger-scale practices that a contractor usually implements on larger restoration sites.

Small Scale BMPs

These practices can generally be done by individuals or with help from someone with basic landscape management skills.

  • Conversion from impervious to turf_conservation landscaping, Combined.png

    Conversion from impervious to turf/conservation landscaping


  • Conversion from impervious to turf/conservation landscaping

    Conversion from turf grass to conservation landscaping

  • Downspout_Redirect,_Image_2.cropped

    Downspout Redirect



  • Landscape Certifications

    Landscape Certifications



  • Lawn_and_Yard_Management_-_AKR.jpg

    Lawn and Yard Management



  • Permeable Pavers

    Permeable Pavers



  • Rain Barrels and Cisterns, Image 1 - AKR

    Rain Barrels and Cisterns

  • Rain Gardens

    Rain Gardens



  • Pumping septic tank

    Septic Pumping



  • Tree Planting

    Tree Planting



Large Scale BMPs

These practices will likely require planning and installation by a professional.*

  • Bioretention




  • Bioswales and Open Vegetative Channels

    Bioswales and Open Vegetative Channels

  • Green Roof

    Green Roof



  • Infiltration Trench or Basin.jpg

    Infiltration Trench or Basin

  • Lawn Depression/Infiltration

    Lawn Depression/Infiltration

  • cleanup bay program

    Litter/Dumpsite Cleanup

  • Pet Waste Station

    Pet Waste Station

  • Riparian Buffer Planting.png

    Riparian Buffer Planting

  • Shoreline Management

    Shoreline Management

*Please note that some BMPs require a permit before construction, so check with your local zoning office before starting a project.