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Sustainable Pest Management
Sustainable Pest Management
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Updated: October 23, 2024
Scout Sorghum for Key Insect Pests
Although sorghum faces relatively few pests compared to our other grain crops, it is not a “plant and forget” crop. Sorghum is often grown on marginal ground, in areas with greater deer pressure, dryland fields, and as a rotational component for managing weed and disease pressure. Sorghum is generally a minor component of a farming operation, and as such is easy to overlook during the season, especially now as other pests are requiring more attention and corn is nearing harvest. However, there are two significant insect pests that need to be scouted for to avoid potential losses and both are active right now on Delmarva.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Insect Pest Management in Potato
Potato production in Maryland continues to grow and has more than doubled in the last 5 years, while in surrounding states it has declined. About 50% of the potatoes harvested in Maryland are for the fresh market while the other half goes for processing. Because of its value growers frequently apply pesticides too often in order to protect their investment. This often leads to the development of insect resistance, environmental contamination, worker and food safety concerns and poor management of pests.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Forest Pests: Asian Longhorned Beetle
The Asian Longhorned beetle (ALB), native to eastern China and Korea, is a wood-boring pest which feeds on a number of hardwood trees, eventually killing them, impacting both urban trees and forested sites. Wildlife habitat will be impacted due to loss of forest shelter and food sources. Industries such as such as lumber, maple syrup, nursery, commercial fruit, and tourism will feel an economic impact.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Crapemyrtle Bark Scale
Crapemrytle bark scale was first confirmed in Maryland in April 2020 by the Maryland Department of Agriculture. It was later found in Frederick and Carroll Counties. Monitor crape myrtles closely for this pest to limit the spread of the scale insect.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Branching Out - Winter 2023
In this issue: Help us learn more about our readers and subscribers by taking our short survey. Read about a potential ally in the fight against hemlock wooly adelgid, and how Marylanders can get a rebate for planting native trees. There's information about our spring session of "The Woods in Your Backyard" online course, plus our regular features: the "Woodland Wildlife Spotlight" looks at the American beaver and "Invasives in Your Woodlands" looks at Princess tree. And don't forget the events calendar and the Brain Tickler challenge.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Optimizing Early Season Pest Management for Maryland Field Corn
In order to capture the range of pest pressures and growing conditions in Maryland, we replicated our study across 3 UMD research farms (Keedysville, Beltsville, and Queenstown) and over 3 years (2020-2022). At each location we planted one field of a Bt hybrid and one field of a similarly-yielding non-Bt hybrid as early as possible in the growing season (Table 1). In 2020 our Bt hybrid was LC1196 VT2P (Local Seed, Memphis, TN) which expresses Cry1A.105/Cry2Ab2 proteins. In 2021 and 2022 we planted P1197YHR (Pioneer Hi-bred International. Johnston, IA) which contains Cry1Ab and Cry1F proteins. We planted P1197LR (Pioneer Hi-bred International, Inc. Johnston, IA) for our non-Bt hybrid all three years. All hybrids had excellent yield potential and were grown with standard no-till practices. In each field we established 3 replicates of 3 treatments at planting: 1) an untreated control, with bare seed and no in-furrow product, 2) an in-furrow pyrethroid treatment using Capture LFR® (active ingredient: bifenthrin, rate: 13.6 fl oz/acre), and 3) an NST treatment using Poncho® (active ingredient: clothianidin, rate: 0.25 mg/seed). Each replicate consisted of 24 rows of corn at 30 inch row spacing, and was 200 feet long.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Fall Armyworm Alert: Scout Sod and Pastures!
A fall armyworm outbreak is occurring throughout Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio. This week, we received a report of armyworm damage to sod from Maryland’s Eastern Shore as well as residential lawns in Lewes, Delaware. This appears to be one of the most significant armyworm flights in many years. Scout turf, sod, pasture grasses, any late sweet corn that has not yet headed, and when the time comes, small grain and cover crops. Females lay egg masses containing between 50 and 200 eggs, meaning damage can be localized and intense and that it does not take many moths to infest a field. It is important to catch an infestation as early as possible. Larvae consume 80% of their total intake during the last three days of larval development. Often, it is during this period or just after larvae have finished that damage is noticed, occurring seemingly overnight as if an army had stripped the field. It takes about 14-19 days for larvae to mature.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Potato Leafhoppers on Nursery Trees
Potato leafhoppers (Empoasca fabae) are a problem in nurseries on trees such as maples, redbud, and goldenraintree.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Mild Winter Induces Three Pest Problems This Year
There have been problems in our vegetable fields with three pests, which include striped cucumber beetles, leafhoppers and twospotted spider mites. I think most of the problems we are having with these three comes from our mild winter as each has had an outbreak population after a mild winter sometime in the last 12 years.
Updated: October 23, 2024
Greenhouse Insecticides for Vegetables
Greenhouse Insecticides for Vegetables
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