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Updated: February 4, 2021

Turning on Your Specialty Food Business

You need to formulate a business plan and consider how your business will be organized.
Updated: February 3, 2021

Turning on Your Idea: Starting a Specialty Food business Requires Careful Planning

Successful specialty food processing requires careful planning, dedication, and skilled management. Food businesses must comply with a number of complex and often confusing federal, state and local regulations. This report includes questions that individuals should consider before starting a small food processing business. The critical aspects of market research—gathering information about markets or customers --are described. Market research is an important step in preparing to start a business and in maintaining competitiveness. This report also provides valuable information and resources on county and state local and state rules, regulations and agencies that will help specialty food business owners get started.
Updated: February 3, 2021

Tax and Estate Planning for Maryland Forest Landowners (FS-630)

Forest landowners in Maryland can increase the financial returns ofn their forest stewardship efforts by minimizing property, income, and estate taxes. This fact sheet describes several laws and programs that enable forest landowners to decrease their tax liabilities.
Updated: January 19, 2021

Community Engagement with the weTable in Maryland

University of Maryland Sea Grant Extension works with local stakeholders, community leaders, and citizens on issues concerning the Chesapeake Bay. The Bay’s estuary is a national treasure, with natural and economic resources on which Marylanders depend for their livelihood and recreation. That resource is threatened by the rising sea level, changing land uses, and increasing non-point source pollution. Maryland Sea Grant Extension agents are prepared to face those challenges using participatory planning technologies. The weTable is an ideal tool for enhancing public engagement processes and creating an interactive dialogue. By transforming a tabletop into an interactive map, database, and decision making platform, Sea Grant Extension Specialists facilitate collaborative planning and conversations about resource management.
Updated: January 8, 2021

Eastern Shore Agriculture Needs Assessment 2015 Survey Results

The University of Maryland Extension (UME) conducted an agricultural needs assessment for the nine counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in 2015. This survey will help UME understand issues concerning Eastern Shore agriculture, identify agricultural and educational needs and focus UME agricultural training and resources. The survey was conducted in 2015 and included four sections: 1) industry priorities, concerns and viability; 2) research and education needs; 3) education and training preferences; and 4) demographic and farm information. Results were received from 295 farmers through paper or online surveys.
Updated: January 7, 2021

Estate Planning and Conservation Easements

While estate planning for Maryland farm operators can be complicated, a conservation easement can be an effective tool to include in your plan. Conservation easements can help reduce the value of a farm estate and ensure the land will continue to be available for agricultural use. Donating a conservation easement is one way to reduce federal and state estate taxes when the value of your estate minus permitted deductions exceeds the current estate tax exemptions. Under current federal and Maryland tax laws, donating a conservation easement to a qualifying group can result in favorable tax deductions.