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Updated: February 17, 2021

Enhancing the Community Supported Agriculture Marketing Model in Maryland

With just 2 percent of the American population actively engaged in producing food, CSA is a growing social and agricultural movement that offers a path to farm preservation, stability and profitability, at the same time it connects people with their food supply and builds community. CSA links the source of food (the farm and farmer) to the destination of the food (the consumer).
Vegetables at a farmers market
Updated: February 4, 2021

Turning on Your Specialty Food Business

You need to formulate a business plan and consider how your business will be organized.
Updated: January 26, 2021

Product Development - Making the Go, No Go Decision (FS-943)

When making the "go, no go" decision for starting a new enterprise, answering several clarifying questions can help you decide if you're really ready for the task ahead.
Updated: January 22, 2021

Niche Marketing—Outside of the Box, but in the Black (FS-846)

Niche Marketing - Out of the Box but in the Black fact sheet will help you explore the Niche Market and how to go about increasing your food dollar and return per unit sold. By Ginger S. Myers, Marketing Specialist, University of Maryland Extension and Director of the Maryland Rural Enterprise Development Center.