Educator Resources

Materials found on this page are intended to provide educators the tools they need to educate their communities about health insurance. Below you will find Educational Tools, Program Briefs, Videos, Presentations, and Websites to assist your classroom in making a better decision when purchasing health insurance.

Educational Tools

Educator Toolkits are available to Extension Educators and other professionals who are certified to teach the various Smart Choice - Smart Use Health Insurance Consumer Workshops. Certification is awarded after completion of one of the Smart Choice - Smart Use Health Insurance educator trainings. Each trained educator receives a link to download the toolkit. New or modified materials are uploaded periodically.

Questions should be directed to Dr. Jesse Ketterman, University of Maryland Extension,

Smart Choice Health Insurance Briefs

Spring / Summer 2024

Fall / Winter 2023

Spring / Summer 2023

Fall / Winter 2022

Spring / Summer 2022

Fall / Winter 2021

Spring / Summer 2021

Fall / Winter 2020

Spring / Summer 2020

Fall / Winter 2019

Spring / Summer 2019


Health Literacy and the Affordable Care Act: Presentation by Dr. Bonnie Braun to the Wisconsin Health Literacy Summit, April 10, 2013

Making a Smart Choice for Health Insurance: Presentation by Dr. Bonnie Braun sponsored by the eXtension Creating Healthy Communities Community of Practice, September 26, 2013

Extension’s  Health Insurance Literacy Initiative: From Pilot to Program (PDF of Presentation) - June 10, 2013.

Websites Toolkit for Making Written Material Clear and Effective