Head, Heart, Hands, and Health are the four Hs in 4‑H, and they are the four values members work on through fun and engaging programs. 

What is 4-H?

Have you heard of 4-H?

Through life-changing 4‑H programs, nearly six million kids and teens have taken on critical societal issues, such as addressing community health inequities, engaging in civil discourse, and advocating for equity and inclusion. 

4-H is the largest national positive youth development organization delivered at the Maryland state level by the University of Maryland Extension. Our goal is to help children ages 5-18 reach their full potential by giving everyone the ability to explore their passions, learn new skills, give back to their community, and help them find where they belong.

Montgomery County 4-H

4-H'ers in Montgomery County are leading a movement for positive change in every community in America! In the County, 4-H offers opportunities in agriculture, STEM, sewing/fashion, public speaking, community service, county fair, camp, and hands-on workshops.

In 4‑H, we believe in the power of young people, and that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us. 4-H values diversity and advocates for the
inclusiveness of all children regardless of background or identity.

Join 4-H!

  • 4-H Enrollment

    Join 4-H

Explore Montgomery County Programs

  • 4-H Camp Tawasentha

    Camp/Summer Program

  • 4-H sewing

    Montgomery County Clubs

  • Montgomery County Fair

    Montgomery County Ag Fair

Explore Statewide Programs

  • Farm animals dogs and cats

    Maryland 4-H



Explore Volunteering

  • 4-H volunteer appreciation

    Become a Volunteer

    For information on volunteering, please contact ahamann@umd.edu.

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