Making informed decisions about energy requires understanding where energy comes from (energy source) and how it is used (energy demand). Explore energy efficiency measures and small renewable energy technologies for home, farm, and ranch.
Explore an Energy 101 topic:
Alternative Energy
Overview of alternative energy sources in Maryland.
Explore biodiesel applications for you home or farm.
Carbon and Climate
The impact of energy on greenhouse gas emissions.
Conventional Energy
Overview of conventional energy sources in Maryland.
Energy Defined
Overview of Maryland's energy production and use.
Energy Policy
Maryland's energy goals and Renewable Portfolio Standard.
Energy Priorities
Decision-making tool for energy saving measures.
Explore geothermal heat pumps for your home, farm or business.
Explore micro-hydropower for your home or farm.
Inflation Reduction Act
Save money and energy through the IRA
Solar PV
Explore solar PV for your home, farm or business.
Solar Thermal
Explore solar hot water for your home, farm or business.
Explore wind power for your home, farm or business.
Explore wood heating for your home, farm or business.