Tuesday Webinars

Check Out Women in Agriculture Webinars!

They are offered on the second Tuesday of each month. They are FREE and open to all!


2025 Webinar Schedule

Offered the second Tuesday of each month. Topics cover all areas of risk management.

1/14/2025 Grain Budgeting - Simplified  

This presentation is designed for producers and stakeholders interested in enhancing their decision-making processes. We'll focus on best budgeting practices via a walkthrough of our new grain budgeting website, which was designed to support improvements in planning and risk management practices. Additionally, we'll introduce our beta resource that tracks utility—and community-scale solar developments in Maryland.


Elizabeth Thilmany
2/11/2025 Setting Goals for your Farm Business This webinar will guide you in setting clear, actionable goals to grow and sustain your farm business. Learn how to assess your farm's needs, set SMART goals, and create strategies to track progress. Perfect for farmers, families, and agribusiness owners ready to plan for the future. Shannon Dill
3/11/2025 Small-scale berry production How to produce blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and other woody small fruits on small acreage (less than 10 acres). This talk is meant for anyone considering diversifying their farm by adding small fruits or just getting started growing small fruit. We'll be talking about the first steps to getting your planting going and how to take care of and manage your planting so you will continue to have a bountiful harvest for years to come. Haley Sater


Leveraging Social Media and Consumer Insights to Boost Your Market Opportunities I’ll share insights from my research on consumer behavior and marketing practices in ornamental horticulture, offering practical strategies to explore and expand market opportunities by leveraging consumer insights and social media Xuan Wei
5/13/2025 Nitrogen management in humid temperate climates We will discuss the nitrogen cycle, pathways for nitrogen loss in cropping systems, and best management practices for conserving nitrogen. Sarah Hirsh
6/10/2025 No Webinar    
7/8/2025 Pasture Renovation: Putting the Punch Back in Your Pastures Think your pasture may be in need of some renovation but aren't sure where to start? This presentation will provide an overview of the pasture renovation process, including how to determine if renovation is needed, different types of renovation, timing for renovation, and 10 steps for successful stand establishment. Amanda Grev
8/12/2025 No Webinar    
9/9/2025 Native Grasses 101 A quick look at some of Maryland's underutilized native grasses, their benefits, and how to incorporate them into landscapes. We will also take a look at some non-native, invasive grasses that are ecologically harmful and their native alternatives. Mikaela Boley
10/14/2025 Navigating Farm Family Finances Farm operations often juggle the business operation finances with the personal family finances. This workshop will provide an overview of a toolkit available designed for farmers to explore aspects of balancing personal finances.  Jesse Ketterman & Carrie Sorenson
11/11/2025 Understanding IPM Basics and developing an IPM plan An overview of different IPM techniques and the best practices for implementing them, then how to develop an IPM plan for your specific growing operation, as well as helpful resources Hayden Schug
12/9/2025 No Webinar    

Advanced Cover Cropping
Video Length: 41:22|  Date: November 12, 2024
Speaker: Sarah Hirsh
Description: We will present a cover crop planning protocol and tools for getting more agronomic and financial benefits from cover cropping. We will evaluate successful cover crop systems used in various farming enterprises and scales. Watch video

How to Interpret a Soil Test Report
Video Length: 45:04 |  Date: October 8, 2024
Speaker: Andrew Kness, University of Maryland Extension
Description: pH, organic matter, CEC, ppm, FIV, base saturation, oh my! This presentation will cover the basics of a soil test report and how to make management decisions based on your test results. Watch video

The most recent webinars