Showing 311-320 of 377 publications
Updated: January 6, 2021
Budgeting to Acquire Savings: A 3-Step Approach for Community Educators to Teach Limited Income Consumers (FS-958)
This publication revisits traditional household budgeting discussions in economics textbooks during 1970 and 1980; notably, Paul Samuelson (1976) to derive a basic framework, a 3-step approach for community educators to teach limited income consumers how to budget their incomes. This basic framework construes budgeting in a narrow sense that enable limited income consumers to Estimate, Evaluate and Allocate income to goods and services with the intention to acquire savings.
Updated: October 22, 2024
Black Vine Weevil-Controlling a Major Nursery and Landscape Pest (FS-805)
The black vine weevil is a widespread, entrenched pest in many nurseries in Maryland. Once it is introduced into a production nursery, BVW is extremely difficult to eliminate. While foliar damage caused by adult weevils is a cosmetic concern, larvae of the black vine weevil cause serious root injury and girdling of azaleas, rhododendrons, yews, and many conifers.
Updated: January 5, 2021
Best Management Practices for Installing and Firing Outdoor Wood Boilers (FS-953)
Outdoor wood boilers, known technically as hydronic heaters, can be found across much of rural America. They are popular among the wood burning community because they provide a way to heat with wood while keeping dirt and ash out of the home. Although air quality problems can arise with outdoor wood boilers, most of these problems can be minimized or avoided if the best management practices outlined in this factsheet are followed. These practices will decrease the amount of firewood utilized thereby increasing the economic advantage of wood energy and minimizing its environmental impact.
Updated: December 10, 2024
Agricultural Leasing in Maryland (FS-971)
As we approach the end of the year, many farmers and their landlords will be making decisions on renewing land leases. Should the rent be increased? Should additional terms be included? As you begin these discussions, farmers and landlords should consider reviewing Agricultural Leasing in Maryland. The booklet is full of helpful tips and things both parties should consider when leasing land. The booklet also contains form leases that can be used for both parties to begin to develop their own leases.
Think your current rental rate is too low or too high? Need help in coming up with a fair rental rate? Then check out (, a product of the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee. This site provides worksheets and other helpful documents to help landlords and farmers develop rental rates that work for them.
Think your current rental rate is too low or too high? Need help in coming up with a fair rental rate? Then check out (, a product of the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee. This site provides worksheets and other helpful documents to help landlords and farmers develop rental rates that work for them. Author: Paul Goeringer; Title: Agricultural Leasing in Maryland (FS-971)
Updated: May 13, 2021
Adoption of Household Stormwater Best Management Practices
This report summarizes the findings of a household survey conducted by the University of Maryland (UMD) regarding the adoption of stormwater best management practices (BMPs), including rain gardens, rain barrels, low fertilizer lawn care, and conservation landscaping.
Updated: February 4, 2021
Understanding Montgomery County’s Water Quality Protection Charge
In 2012, the State of Maryland passed the Watershed Protection and Restoration Program (HB-987), which applies to the nine largest counties in Maryland (Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Charles, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George’s) and Baltimore City that are federally required to treat stormwater runoff. The purpose of the fee is to manage pollution carried by stormwater into local waterways. The collected fees are placed in a dedicated fund and used to finance projects that treat polluted stormwater. The fee structure is established independently by each county/city and differs across the State.
Updated: January 29, 2021
Stormwater Rebate and Reimbursement Programs (FS-976)
Stormwater Rebate and Reimbursement Programs (Baltimore City and County, Howard, Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, City of Rockville, City of Gaithersburg)
Updated: January 29, 2021
Simplifying Solar: Homeowner Primer to Residential Solar Installation (FS-956)
Across the United States and much of the world solar energy generation is growing. Concerns about environmental impact, energy independence, and improvements in solar technology all play a part in this growth. Additionally, state and federal incentives increase the economic viability of solar energy. This fact sheet is designed to give the layman a basic understanding of residential solar energy.
Updated: January 26, 2021
Raising Your Home Chicken Flock (EB-409)
The home chicken flock can be an excellent source of low-cost, high-quality poultry products. This publication provides the basic tools to start a successful flock.
Updated: January 26, 2021
Product Development - Making the Go, No Go Decision (FS-943)
When making the "go, no go" decision for starting a new enterprise, answering several clarifying questions can help you decide if you're really ready for the task ahead.