Health Care

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Updated: October 4, 2024

Health Insurance Protects and Provides for You and Your Family (EBR-41)

Being physically and financially healthy is important for you and your family. Health insurance is a way to manage and reduce the risk of getting sick and becoming injured as well as provide greater income security. Health insurance gives you access to preventive services like screenings and check-ups that are helpful if you develop a chronic condition or become injured. If a health problem happens, the results can be costly. Health insurance helps reduce and manage risks, especially the financial one. Authors: Mia Russell, Virginia Brown, Bonnie Braun, Lynn Little, Maria Pippidis. Updated by Carrie Sorenson, and Lynn Matava. Title: Health Insurance Protects and Provides for You and Your Family (EBR-41).
Updated: November 3, 2023

Does Your Health Insurance Plan Cover Nutrition Counseling? (FS-2023-0677)

Working with a nutrition professional can be a great way to maintain or improve your health. However, it can be confusing to decide who you want to see and determine how to pay for these visits. This factsheet will help you: (1) identify reasons you might want to work with a nutrition professional., (2) understand the different types of nutrition professionals about their credentials, educational backgrounds, and areas of expertise. (3) learn how to determine whether your health insurance covers visits with a nutrition professional and the potential costs of accessing these services. This information can help you access the professionals you need to support your health and wellness while keeping your out-of-pocket costs as low as possible. Authors: Alvin Douglas, Catherine Sorenson, and Dr. Shauna Henley; Title: Does Your Health Insurance Plan Cover Nutrition Counseling? (FS-2023-0677)
Updated: September 11, 2023


This infographic provides research information that COVID 19 aerosols can travel throughout a room and stay suspended for extended periods, thereby posing greater contamination risks. Methods on how to reduce risk through air ventilation and filtration are provide. Authors: Andrew Lazur, Shauna Henley, Beverly Jackey, and Lisa McCoy; Title: COVID and Home Indoor Air Quality (EBR-55)
Updated: April 20, 2023

Why Extension Needs Relationship Education (FS-1129)

This fact sheet documents the fit of relationship education (RE) programs to Cooperative Extension programming goals. The research base behind RE programming, in addition to its alignment with Extension program areas is discussed. Author: Alexander E. Chan, Ph.D., LMFT; Title: Why Extension Needs Relationship Education (FS-1129)
Updated: August 10, 2022

How to Report a Foodbourne Illness in Maryland

The purpose of this fact sheet is to 1) give consumers addtional information on whom to contact when sick, 2) how a sick person would be diagnosed, and 3) the questions your health care provider may ask. The fact sheet also provides a list of Maryland Health Departments, how reporting is important to your community and how this data is used, and lastly an optional list of foodbourne pathogens most problematic in Maryland
Updated: July 29, 2022

With Buildings Preparing to Reopen, It’s Time to Think About Stagnant Water and Health Risks (EBR 2020-0542)

This is an infographic increasing awareness of potential water quality and health risks (lead, copper, and Legionella bacteria) associated with reopening buildings that have been closed for an extended period. Authors: Andrew Lazur and Rachel Rosenberg Goldstein; Title: Think About Stagnant Water and Health Risks (EBR 2020-0542)
Updated: March 17, 2022

Health Insurance Claim Problem? How to Navigate the Health Insurance Claims Process (FS-1181)

Health insurance plans have different rules about the health providers you can use and the claims they will cover, and appealing their decisions can be confusing. This article provides an easy guide to the health insurance claim and appeal process. Authors: Dorthy Nuckols, Catherine Sorenson, Lisa Mccoy, Rebecca Ajiboye. Title: Health Insurance Claim Problem? How to Navigate the Health Insurance Claims Process (FS-1181)
Updated: December 17, 2021

Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT): Know the Symptoms and What to Do if Your Flock is Affected (FS-966)

Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an acute respiratory disease of chickens and occasionally, pheasants and peafowl, which often leads to severe losses in the poultry industry as well as backyard flocks.
Updated: January 22, 2021

Methods for the Detection of Vibrio Species

Vibrio bacteria naturally inhabit coastal waters and are frequently isolated from a variety of raw seafood, particularly oysters. Detection of Vibrio species in seafood and growing water has traditionally been problematic because of the limitations of conventional techniques based on plate culture methods. Moreover, no culture method is able to discriminate pathogenic populations. In order to provide education and training to individuals involved in seafood testing, a hands-on training course has been developed and offered through cooperative efforts of University of Maryland Extension (UME) and University of Maryland’s Joint Institute of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN). The methods described in this manual are designed for detection and enumeration V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, and V. cholerae in oysters. The analytical methods are combination of procedures from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) and other sources, and have been used as training protocols for the hands-on training course on Vibrio Detection.