Simple and Delicious 2 Ingredient Pancakes
1 medium-sized ripe banana (or ½ banana and ¼ cup cooked mashed carrot, winter squash, or pumpkin)
1 large egg, lightly beaten
Fluffy and Yummy 3 Ingredient Pancakes
+ 1/8 teaspoon baking powder to the batter for fluffier pancakes.
Thick and Rich 4 Ingredient Pancakes
+ 2 Tablespoons of flour or oats for drier, less “eggy” pancakes.
Optional Ingredients
1/8 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon cinnamon or any spice combination (such as ginger, nutmeg, allspice)
1 Tablespoon sugar or sweetener
1-2 Tablespoons of peanut butter
½ cup chopped fresh fruit or berries
*Nutrition Facts are for the Simple and Delicious 2 Ingredient Pancakes*