Find a forester who suits your management goals

About the Types of Foresters

State Foresters

To contact a state forester in Maryland, contact the Department of Natural Resources Forest Service office in your county: Contact Information

DNR Forest Service programs vary throughout the state. Choose your region to view a brochure of services in your area.

Maryland Forest Service offices & services by region

Western Maryland

 Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, and Washington counties: Go here


Central Maryland

Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, Harford, Howard, & Montgomery counties: Go here

Southern Maryland

Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince George's, and St. Mary's counties: Go here

Eastern Maryland

Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, and Wicomico counties: Go here

Private Foresters

To contact a private forester for consulting or industrial purposes, use the Maryland Consulting & Industrial Foresters Directory, provided by the University of Maryland Extension - Woodland Stewardship Education program. Updated February 2025.

Learn more here

If you have 1 to 10 acres of land, the University of Maryland Extension's Maryland Small Acreage Professional Foresters Directory provides a listing of individuals and companies that specialize in working with smaller properties. Updated January 2025.

Learn more here

Did you know?

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service's "Online Forester" website includes ways to find Forest Product Operators and Licensed Tree Experts in Maryland.

Forest Product Operators

Locate sawmill, logging and firewood companies by county, by service, or by a general search.

Forest Product Operators

Licensed Tree Experts

All tree care professionals practicing in Maryland must obtain a license. Without a license, they may not practice or advertise tree care services in the state. Search for one that meets your needs.

Licensed Tree Experts