Every year UME faculty and staff undergo annual performance evaluations and develop goal setting plans. Staff members complete this through the Performance Review and Development (PRD) process. Faculty members complete this through the Individual Extension Plan (IEP) process and the Annual Faculty Review (AFR) process.

Staff Performance Review and Development Process (PRDs)

THE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS (PRD) is a system of performance management that is a mechanism to provide ongoing interaction, recognize good performance, and offer training and development opportunities for UME staff members.

Questions about the PRD review or expectation-setting process should be directed to the ADO office or University Human Resources for links to the appropriate forms and trainings

Faculty Individual Extension Plans (IEPs)

Program planning is based on a strategic five-year framework for 2020–2024, with an opportunity for faculty to review and update their Individual Extension Plans (IEPs) annually. For the 2025 IEP, the 2020–2024 program framework will be extended by one year. 

Sound planning and reporting identifies how Extension programs are directed and what accomplishments and impacts have occurred as a result of these efforts.

Detailed planning and reporting can help maximize limited human and fiscal resources allocated to the development, delivery, and evaluation of Extension educational and teaching efforts.

Impacts and successes of UME programs are necessary as we communicate with the general public and public officials on important budgetary issues discussed in the U.S. Congress, the Maryland General Assembly, and by county/city councils and commissions.

Accountability and program impact information is also shared with our Extension partners across the state and country.

UME receives funds from federal and state appropriations for which there is accountability for both the fiscal expenditures and for what has been achieved with the resources. UME is required to provide an accountability system that documents program outcomes achieved on an annual basis.

Systematic planning and reporting are required of all UME faculty, along with campus-based faculty with extension appointments, to meet Federal program guidelines including, but not limited to the Smith-Lever Act, the Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of 1998 (AREERA), and the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA).

Start your IEP

IEP Documentation and Training 

Annual Faculty Reviews (AFRs)

The program leaders will evaluate UME faculty performance based on their activities and accomplishments through the submission of the required documentation for calendar year 2024 (CY 2024). The specific documents used for the AFR process include the following: 

1.     Approved 2024 Individual Extension Plan (IEP)

2.     University of Maryland Extension Reporting System (UMERS)2024 data

3.     Teaching Effectiveness Data

4.     Curriculum Vitae (CV)

5.     Faculty Self-Evaluation Form

6.     Impact Statement Report

7.     AEDs/BCED and Program Director Input

8.     Enrollment Data (4-H faculty only)

9.     Additional Data Reporting and PSE Highlights (SNAP-Ed faculty only)

Considerations for Annual Ratings

This summary is an assimilation of performance examples and guiding principles of the Annual Faculty Review (AFR) process and should not be construed as a binding document regarding AFR ratings. This summary is meant to provide some examples of things administrators consider when developing the AFR Rating. It should not be inferred from these examples that all of these must be accomplished in any given year or that an omission of a specific example implies that work may not be relevant. Program leaders and area and city Extension directors work closely together in the process of the annual evaluation.


Faculty have the right to appeal their annual rating.

Appeal Process

2024-2025 Annual Review Calendar

Dates of  Importance



Initial expectation setting for all employees for the Performance Review Development Process (PRDs)


Midway feedback meeting for all employees with PRDs

October 14

County/city-based faculty provide their Individual Extension Plans (IEPs) to the area/city Extension directors (A/BCEDs) for review

UME state specialists provide their IEPs to the program leaders (PLs) for review

Department specialists provide IEPs to department chair and PLs for review

October 28

A/BCEDs provide feedback to county/city-based faculty

Department chairs and/or PLs provide feedback to specialists

November 1–13

County/city-based faculty members make changes based on the feedback from A/CEDs

Specialists make changes based on department chair and/or PL feedback

November 15

2025 IEPs due in Faculty Success

December 1

4-H Enrollment data for 2023 due (4-H educators only)

December 4

PLs provide feedback to faculty on IEPs

December 15


December 31

All 2024 Teaching Effectiveness data due


All 2024 date must be entered into UMERS


January 17

Updated curriculum vitae due

Self-evaluation due

Impact Statement Report due

Final approval of IEPs by PLs

February 14

A/BCEDs and program directors submit their evaluations

Aggregated 2022 teaching effectiveness data will be sent to educators and stored in a Box folder for faculty evaluations


PLs will review and discuss faculty evaluations with A/CEDs and program directors

PLs meet as a group with associate dean/associate director of UME to discuss faculty ratings and consistency

All employees with PRDs complete self-assessments and meet with supervisors for end-of-cycle reviews


PLs deliver final evaluations to faculty