Updated: February 6, 2025
University of Maryland Extension Winter Meeting Data 2023" (FS-2024-0731)
This publication highlights the impact and effectiveness of the UMD Extension (UME) winter meetings held during 2022-2023. It provides insights into participant engagement, preferred learning methods, and the adoption of recommended agricultural practices. The survey results included in the publication demonstrate how these meetings support farmers in implementing improved crop production, pest management, and nutrient management strategies. It outlines key priorities for Extension programming and reports satisfaction with the UME Nutrient Management program. Authors: Shannon Dill, Serena Taylor Newton, Andrew Kness, Erika Crowl, Sarah Hirsh, and Jennifer Rhodes; Title: University of Maryland Extension Winter Meeting Data 2023" (FS-2024-0731).
Updated: April 13, 2023
Why Extension Abroad Matters at Home- A Fact Sheet for Extension Specialists and Leaders (EBR-61)
This Fact Sheet highlights how Cooperative Extension at U.S. Land Grant Institutions benefits from and contributes to efforts toward global food security through knowledge and technology transfer, innovative leadership, cultural exchange, and institutional capacity building. Author: Taryn Devereux; Title: Why Extension Abroad Matters at Home- A Fact Sheet for Extension Specialists and Leaders (EBR-61)