Updated: February 14, 2025
By Kelly Nichols

FS-2023-0691  |  February 2025

Beginning Farmer Resource Guide for Frederick, Howard, & Montgomery Counties, Maryland

Compiled by: Kelly Nichols, Ag Agent, UME Montgomery County

Table of Contents

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General Resources

University of Maryland Extension

University of Maryland Extension is the state-wide, non-formal education system within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Agriculture and Food Systems Educators are available to provide technical and educational assistance to farmers.

Beginning Farmer Resources

  • Beginning Farmer Success Program (University of Maryland Extension) - Information on farm enterprises, business planning resources, marketing, permits and licenses, and the Beginning Farmer Guidebook.
  • Interactive Beginning Farmer Guidebook (University of Maryland Extension) - This online, self-paced course follows the Beginning Farmer Guidebook. To access the course, visit campus.extension.org. Search for “Maryland Farmer”. Select the Maryland Beginning Farmer Guidebook course. You will need to create a free account to access the course.
  • Entrepreneurial Coaching Program (University of Maryland Extension) - An opportunity to meet with a trained, impartial coach who can be a sounding board for your ideas, provide resources and contacts, and help sharpen your focus on reaching your business goals. https://extension.umd.edu/resource/cultivating-entrepreneurship
  • New Farmer FAQs (University of Maryland) - Information on registering a business, financial resources, certifications, and product sale regulations.
  • How To Start A Farm (U.S. Department of Agriculture, or USDA)
  • Beginning Farmer Training Program (Future Harvest) - A 12-month training experience which combines classroom curriculum and hands-on learning.

Business Planning

Custom Operators & Equipment

  • A Guide To Custom Operators (University of Maryland Extension, Frederick County Office)
    Scroll down to the “Ag Frequently Asked Questions heading”.
  • Contractor's List (Howard County Soil Conservation District) - Found below the “Links” heading. The list includes those who do seeding and pasture work.
  • Montgomery County Equipment Rental Program (Montgomery Soil Conservation District) - This program is available to limited resource farmers or those interested in installing best management practices in Montgomery County.

Financial Resources


These plans, also called Forest Management Plans, allow the landowner to maximize the wildlife, timber, recreation, aesthetic value, and other woodland benefits while preserving it for future generations. There are two ways to have a plan written for your farm:

  • Hire a professional forester. The University of Maryland Extension Woodland Stewardship Education Program maintains a directory of Maryland-licensed professional foresters and the services they provide.
  • Request a plan from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Every Maryland county has a Forest Conservancy District Board, which provides educational activities, critical area timber harvest plan review, and private landowner outreach. For county-specific information, visit the Frederick or Montgomery Board websites.

Land Access

Legal Educational Resources


Nutrient Management Plans

These plans are required in Maryland if your gross sales are more than $2,500 per year or if you have 8,000 pounds or more of live animal weight on the farm. A nutrient management plan balances the nutrient levels in the soil with what the crop needs and provides recommendations so that nutrients are not over- or under-applied. For more information about nutrient management plans, visit the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s website. There are three ways to have a plan written for your farm:

Nutrient Management Vouchers

These vouchers are required of all farmers applying nutrients (in the form or inorganic fertilizer or organic amendments) to 10 or more acres. To obtain a voucher and keep it current, farmers need to attend two hours of nutrient management training every three years. These trainings are approved by the Maryland Department of Agriculture. For more information, visit the Department’s website.


Pesticide License

This license is required when applying restricted use pesticides on your farm (includes owned and rented property), or applying general and/or restricted use pesticides on someone else’s property. For more information, visit the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s website.

Registering a Farm Business

  • Maryland Business Portal (State of Maryland)
  • The Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation has forms on their website, under the “Create or Start a Business in Maryland” heading. These forms can be mailed or emailed to the Department.

Soil & Water Conservation Technical and Financial Assistance

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and County Soil Conservation District (SCD) Offices provide technical assistance with implementing soil and water conservation practices on the farm. Example practices include cover crops, no-till, manure storage structures, grass waterways, roof runoff structures, and stream buffers. NRCS may also have financial cost-share programs available for some of these practices. Below is the contact information for local offices.

Soil Sampling

  • Directions for taking soil samples (University of Maryland Extension)
  • A list of soil testing labs in the region (University of Maryland Extension)
  • Soil probe use - The county Extension Offices may have soil probes available for loan. To inquire about borrowing a soil probe, contact the county Extension office:
    • Frederick County: 301-600-3576
    • Howard County: 410-313-2709
    • Montgomery County: 301-590-2840

Soils Information

  • Web Soil Survey - This online, interactive tool enables you to see the soil series and characteristics at a specific location.

Value-Added Products/On-Farm Processing

Crop & Livestock-Specific Resources


Christmas Trees

Cover Crops

Cut Flowers


  • Tree Fruits (University of Maryland Extension)
  • Fruits (Penn State University Extension)





Livestock (General)

  • Animal Science website (University of Maryland Extension) - Information and resources for cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, and goats.



  • Backyard Poultry (University of Maryland Extension) - This website includes resources for flock management, housing, diseases, home processing, and preventing predation.
  • Poultry Registration (Maryland Department of Agriculture, or MDA) - MDA requires poultry owners to register their flocks in order to be notified of disease outbreaks (e.g. avian influenza) when they occur.
  • Egg Inspection (MDA) - The Egg Inspection program is responsible for enforcement of the Maryland Egg Law enacted to provide Maryland consumers with wholesome, high-quality eggs. Applications and guidelines are found in the menu on the right side of the page.
  • Maryland Egg Quality Assurance Program (MDA) - The Maryland Egg Quality Assurance Program is a voluntary program to minimize the risk of Salmonella enteritidis (SE) contamination of chicken (shell) eggs and provide standards for the quality of eggs marketed under the provisions of this program.


  • Raising Small Groups of Pigs (Penn State University Extension) Note: references to nutrient management plans in this article refer to Pennsylvania-specific regulations. For Maryland nutrient management information, see the Nutrient Management section of this guide.


Small Fruits
