About Japanese honeysuckle
Life cycle
Deciduous woody vine in cold climates, semi-evergreen to evergreen in warmer areas
Growth habit
Climbing or trailing woody vine; girdles young plants it entwines; leaves opposite, shape variable with entire margins mid-late season, but may be deeply lobed in early season

Seed; black berries in pairs; flowers fragrant, white to creamy, in pairs arising from leaf axils

Conditions that favor growth
Common weed in commercial nursery operations, can engulf small plants and saplings; it can displace native vegetation if not controlled
Cultural control
Remove vines early before they strangle desirable plants and take over native habitat; constant maintenance needed to eradicate established growth
Additional resources
Invasive Vine and Groundcover Control
Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas
PDF Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas
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