Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer (Photo by David Cappaert, Bugwood.org)

Updated: April 28, 2023

Resources for information about common invasive insects in Maryland and the mid-Atlantic region.

General Resources

Got Bugs? Get Bats! - University of Maryland Extension Fact Sheet FS-791

IPM Series - Shade Trees - University of Maryland's Home and Garden Information Center

Woody Ornamental Integrated Pest Management - Penn State University

Forest Health - Maryland DNR Forest Service

Threats by Species (Common Name - Alphabetical Order)

Emerald Ash Borer

Saving your Ash Trees from the Emerald Ash Borer Beetle: A Homeowner's Guide - Maryland DNR Forest Service

Emerald Ash Borer and the Private Woodland Owner - University of Maryland Extension Fact Sheet # 991

emeraldashborer.info: A collaboration of the USDA Forest Service, Michigan State University, Purdue University and Ohio State University

Status of Emerald Ash Borer in Maryland for Woodland Owners, Urban, and Suburban Areas (Webinar -1 hour 20 mins): Presented by Kimberly Rice, Maryland Dept. of Agriculture; Mike Raupp, University of Maryland; and Jonathan S. Kays, University of Maryland Extension 

Status of Emerald Ash Borer in Maryland & Potential for Impact to Tidal Hardwood Swamps (Webinar - 1 hour): Presented by Colleen Kenny, Emerald Ash Borer Coordinator, Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources; and Jonathan S. Kays, University of Maryland Extension 



Southern Pine Beetle

Maryland Dept. of Agriculture

Walnut Twig Beetle, Pityophthorus juglandis (causes Thousand Cankers Disease)

UME Home & Garden Information Center

Maryland Dept. of Agriculture